Saturday, 13 October 2018

Who is the richest person in all of history

ALL of history would probably be Solomon (from the Old Testament) but alive today? The Queen of England (technically) owns 1/6th of the entire planet. All those British Commonwealths (like Australia and Canada and so forth) are actually HER property. It’s just that after filtering through the hierarchy of the monarchy and so forth, they appear to be independent nations. Nuh-uh. You’re on HER land if you live there. Now, if the Queen should happen to SELL you some of HER property, that would be a slightly different matter.
Someone wrote a phenomenal article on the value of freedom and anonymity. When people are too well known they become their own prisoners, and that’s not really worth much at that point, is it? Unless they’re sociopaths who can live in wilderness landscapes with no outside human contact — but again, they’re their own prisoners.
As for myself, I missed out on being the wealthiest man in the universe when I completely destroyed the tiniest ember of a relationship with Miss Gina Leigh White, back in October of 1981. It was stupid, juvenile, and totally my fault for being the ignorant jackass I was at that time. I’ve been spending the better part of the last 37 years trying to make up for that one — series — of blunders. If the day should ever come that she and I are actually married to each other, then I will be the wealthiest man in the universe, ever, simply because I’ll have her as my wife.

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