Perhaps it’s just me, but Luftwaffe was eons ahead other air powers.
As for camouflage overall, Simo Häyhä easily takes the crown.
Simo is the textbook definition of effective camouflage.
- He wouldn’t use a scope - scopes of the time didn’t have any anti-glare covering, and the sun could (and frequently did) reveal the sniper’s position. Simo’s preferred anti-sniper technique was exactly this - he would stand still, searching for scopes being denounced by the sun.
- He would wear a mask, and also often had snow in his mouth, so that his breath wouldn’t condense in the air, announcing his position.
- He would compact a pile of snow just ahead of him, so that his rifle would have a stable mount, and the muzzle blast wouldn’t form a cloud.
All of Simo’s kills were obtained in less than 100 days, in a time of very reduced daylight duration.
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