I disagree with Jamal Sakazai answer that Pakistan has the most disgraceful history. The country with the most disgraceful history or at least one of the countries with the most disgraceful history is easily Afghanistan. Please read below to find out how -
Afghan Kings are usually known as the most barbaric people in the history of the mankind. People like Ghori and Ghaznavi were invading, looting, plundering, even raping the people of the Indian sub-continent for centuries.
I kind of laugh at the current friendship between Afghans and Indians, considering the fact that Ghaznavi looted plundered and raped Indians. In 1025 Mahmud raided Gujarat, plundering the Somnath temple and breaking its *jyotirlinga*. He took away a booty of 2 million dinars.
The ruined SomNath Temple in Gujarat - India in 1869. Looted and plundered by Ghaznavi at least 17 times!
However, what Afghans didn’t know that there were bigger players in the world arena and KARMA was soon going to hit them. British were slowly making their presence felt in Indian-Subcontinent. After colonizing the Indian Sub-continent, they started moving towards Afghanistan.
During the Anglo-Afghan wars, Afghans lost a big chunk of their land and people to British India. When Pakistan came into existence, those lands were incorporated into present day Pakistan and were gifted by British to Pakistan. I really have to thank British for turning the tables around. They fought with Afghans and did all the hard work and gave those lands to Pakistan (WINK WINK!) HAIL TO THE BRITISH QUEEN! :D
This is what we call as one of the best examples of KARMA. The invaders who were invading for centuries got invaded themselves and became a pawn for the people whom they invaded!

But for Afghanistan the shame which British brought to them was too much! They were never able to reconcile with the fact that the people who suffered the most in their hands throughout the history i.e. Punjabis, have started to rule them now. They even denied the existence of Pakistan! Afghanistan was the only country which voted against the formation of Pakistan in 1947 (Hell! Even India recognizes Pakistan!). Since 1947, Afghanistan leaders and people are trying to destabilize Pakistan on the durand line issue. Afghanistan wants its land back, but Pakistan emerged as a much stronger country as compared to Afghanistan in recent times and there is a slight to none chance that they will ever get their lands back.

Not only that.. they even betrayed their Iranian brothers. Per this Iranian Source, Afghans started to kidnap runaway Iranian girls and started to sell them to Arabs by transporting them to Karachi - Pakistan.
After the war, Iranians along with Pakistanis hosted the largest population of Afghan refugees. However, Afghans refugees were unthankful and started to create trouble in both countries as usual with drug trade, killings and kidnappings. Pakistan was lenient with Afghans because they share the second largest ethnic group with them i.e. Pashtuns, but Iranians said enough is enough!
They started to put Afghans in camps and being extremely racist towards them.
The treatment of Afghans in Iran was so bad that some Iranians started to protest against the inhuman treatment of Afghan refugees.
However, Afghans have still not learned a lesson and they keep on disgracing themselves. If they want to get out of the disgraceful position they are in nowadays, they should -
- Stop drug trafficking in Iran and Pakistan
- Stop thinking of destabilizing Pakistan by supporting separatist movements in Pashtuns areas of Pakistan. More than 90% Pashtuns are loyal to Pakistan, therefore, thinking of destabilizing Pakistan will only hurt Afghans in the long run.
- Stop thinking of Durand line. It is almost an impossibility now. Especially the fact that non-pashtun Afghans don’t want those areas to be merged with Afghanistan.
And focus more on development, education and infrastructure of their country. Start making peace with Iran and Pakistan, so eventually we all can live together in peace!
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