n 2018? Undoubtedly, Elisabeth Holmes, the so-called "heir of Steve Jobs" who scammed investors for more than 700 million dollars.
Quickly elevated to the rank of a worthy descendant of Steve Jobs, the new priestess of Silicon Valley suddenly descended from her pedestal.
Her allegedly revolutionary blood tests were in reality a massive fraud, costing investors more than $700 million.
Her fall was as vertiginous as her ascent.
But for Elizabeth Holmes, Theranos' founding director, the end is close.
For fifteen years, the one who was considered by some to be the new “darling” of Silicon Valley deceived her world, manipulating the general public, biotechnology players and the media...
Yet the promise was beautiful: revolutionizing blood testing.
A very lucrative market, estimated at 75 billion annually just across the Atlantic.
In reality, the young woman was playing with everyone, playing with everything, and more precisely with investors.
Indeed, she would have raised hundreds of millions of greenbacks on... Fake news.
Elizabeth Holmes has signed an amicable agreement with the SEC.
She agreed to pay a $500,000 fine and transferred the reins of the company.
However, this agreement is not an admission and does not prevent legal proceedings.
Former President Ramesh Balwani will be sued by the SEC in California.
Let's face it, that story has all the ingredients of a perfect Hollywood screenplay designed to make the Oscars tremble.
It is therefore not surprising that big studios have already started to prepare a new movie, with Jennifer Lawrence in the role of the fallen business woman.
The title? Bad Blood. It was hard to find a better one.
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