Sunday, 14 October 2018

What is the greatest civilization in history

There are many great civilizations that have come and made their mark on the face of the world through various means. As they rise up from ashes, they will also return to them in the end. It is IMPOSSIBLE to say which is the greatest human civilization, but there are a few that stands out greatly.
First and foremost, Babylon
These are the Gates of Babylon, built during the time of Nebuchadnezzar II. Babylon was the first civilization that created a written language, Akkadian (sadly extinct) and one of the Babylonians’ first rulers, Hammurabi, created the famous Code of Laws.
The Epic of Gilgamesh is also the first piece of literature in the world (This is Gilgamesh)
Next in line, came Egypt
There’s more to the Egyptians than the Great Pyramids. They had the first organized religion
They also built many magnificient monuments aside from the Pyramids
Next in line, came Greece
The Greeks gave us some of the most influential philosophers, like Socrates and Plato, as well as the mathematician Pythagoras and the doctor Hippocrates. On the other side, there was also Leonidas and Gorgo.
They were the ones that set the basis for nearly every European nation to function, including the concept of DEMOCRACY
Rome is not really counted because they copied Greece
Next, we have China
With over 2000 years of history, the Chinese have made many important inventions like the compass, paper, gunpowder and the art of printing. What else can it contribute? Well this:
And they are still going strong!
Next in line is India
Where religions mix cohesively, the Indians have given us Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism, and gave us the important concept of non-violence. The Indians also left these behind
Moving to Europe now, we have France
The oldest united European nation since the Medieval eras, the French were a super power in those times and were the first to develop the idea of secularism and the republic. The French have given the world their own wonders as well
We also have Britain
They created the largest empire ever in history, and brought reforms to their economies albeit some controversies here and there. They are still a go-to for former colonies and many English speakers worldwide
In the middle, there is Arabia
The Arabs gave the world Islam, and contributed significantly to the sciences and philosophy where earlier civilizations have failed.
Not to forget, Russia
The Russians, being a hardy people, have endured much and were bastions of Eastern Orthodoxy and Socialism. They have also impacted the history of Europe greatly in the Napoleonic Wars and World War 2.
Here are some honourable mentions.
Each culture has given the world its music, art, architecture, traditions and societal reforms, and for those who are no longer around, they give us the unnmistakable sense of awe and wonder whenever we read about them or watch movies featuring them.

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