Sunday, 14 October 2018

Is hitchhiking dangerous

Even though I've never had any problems doing it in France, some scary criminal cases started with a hitchhiker...
Take Pippa Bacca : she went to promote peace by hitchhiking, she was found dead, raped in Turkey.

She was 33 years old.
A Milanese conceptual artist, she had embarked on a senseless project that turned violent: Pippa Bacca was found dead in Turkey, raped and murdered.
Her executioner? A Turkish who had taken her by hitchhiking in the industrial city of Gebze, an hour's drive from Istanbul.
The young woman had gone with a friend, both in wedding gowns, to cross the conflict zones of the Balkans and the Middle East, in order to demonstrate the common values of the Mediterranean, and to give a sign of "trust between human beings".
They had to hitchhike from Milan to Jerusalem, via the countries of the former Yugoslavia, Turkey, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine and Israel...
For this project entitled "Brides on Tour", they had to wear the same white dress from beginning to end, and they had to be at the heart of an exhibition upon their return to Italy, with all the filmed and written documentation of this symbolic journey.
Pippa Bacca was indeed wearing this dress when her body was found strangled near Gebze on Friday.
The two young women had separated in Istanbul and Silvia Moro was to meet her in Lebanon.
But Pippa Bacca stopped giving any sign of life ten days after she left, provoking anguished calls from her friends on the project blog, in Italian, English and Turkish.
In vain.
All ended in tragedy.
Her family and friends decided to organize the exhibition around this stained wedding dress.
But the symbol will be different, that of mistrust between human beings.
And perhaps also the limits of art in the face of human horror.

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