Saturday, 13 October 2018

What are some examples of homosexuality throughout world history

That great king of France was known for his homosexuality at the French court.

Many historical testimonies have led historians to question the sexuality of Louis XIII.
His rejection of vanities led to great mistrust among courtiers in general and, above all, among women whom he considered frivolous and vicious.
In this way, he aims to build a reputation for austerity.
His wife was abandoned: from the night of his wedding with Anne of Austria, the young Louis XIII feared to go see the queen, unlike many of his predecessors.
He then neglects her quite often.
However, most historians and novelists who support the thesis that the marriage of Louis XIII and Anne of Austria was not consummated before the birth of Louis XIV forget that the queen had three miscarriages, one of which was caused by an accidental fall on a staircase.
His fragile health and religiosity may explain this distance from a wife imposed by his mother.
Its (justified) political mistrust plays at least as important a role.
Another reason is the memory of the political and marital disagreement between her parents: in addition to her anti-Spanish position, Marie de Medicis blamed Henri IV for her open infidelities (Louis had been raised with his half-brothers).
However, the king is known to have two female liaisons, both platonic : one with Marie de Hautefort, future Duchess of Halluin, the other with Louise de La Fayette, with whom he wanted to retire to Versailles.
The existence of favourites forces contemporaries and historians to question the king's possible homosexuality: the Duke of Luynes, Blainville, Vendôme (commander of Souvray), Montpuillan-la-Force, the Marquis de Toiras, the Marquis de Grimault, Baradas, the Duke of Saint-Simon and the Marquis de Cinq-Mars (whom Richelieu allegedly presented to the king in order to reduce the influence of Marie de Hautefort)...

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